2-Hour Virtual Seminar On The Emotionally Intelligent Manager: Using Your Heart As Well As Your Head To Manage Effectively

  • 17
  • March 2025
  • 12:00 PM PDT | 03:00 PM EDT

    Duration:  120  Mins


Basic & Intermediate & Advanced

Webinar ID


  • What is emotional intelligence?
  • What is YOUR emotional intelligence?
  • A short 10 item questionnaire
  • Why it is important to know about emotional intelligence
  • Four Clusters of Emotional Intelligence
  • Techniques for utilizing your emotional intelligence to manage even more effectively

Overview of the webinar

To manage effectively, you need to engage your emotional intelligence just as much as you engage yourself cerebrally.  Using both our brain and our “gut” allows us to take all human factors into account.

Who should attend?

  • CEO's
  • Senior Vice President's
  • Vice Presidents
  • Executive Directors
  • Managing Directors
  • Regional Vice Presidents
  • Area Supervisors
  • Managers

Why should you attend?

By attending, you will understand:

  • What is emotional intelligence?
  • What is YOUR emotional intelligence?
  • A short 10 item questionnaire
  • Why it is important to know about emotional intelligence
  • Four Clusters of Emotional Intelligence
  • Techniques for utilizing your emotional intelligence to manage even more effectively

Would you like to learn more about your emotional intelligence?

Would understanding techniques you can use every time to manage more effectively using your emotional intelligence interest you?

How about receiving a list of sample questions you can use to manage more effectively using your emotional intelligence?

Is it worth 90 minutes of your time to learn effective management techniques which can help you every day?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then come laugh, listen and learn as Chris DeVany leads us all through those important topics, key questions and answers we all need to be able to address effectively to improve our team members’ and team’s performance!

Faculty - Mr.Chris DeVany

Chris DeVany is the founder and president of Pinnacle Performance Improvement Worldwide, a firm which focuses on management and organization development. Pinnacle’s clients include global organizations such as Visa International, Cadence Design Systems, Coca-Cola, Sprint, Microsoft, Aviva Insurance, Schlumberger and over 500 other organizations in 22 countries. He also has consulted government agencies from the United States, the Royal Government of Saudi Arabia, Canada, Cayman Islands and the United Kingdom.
He has published numerous articles in the fields of surviving mergers and acquisitions, surviving change, project management, management, sales, team-building, leadership, ethics, customer service, diversity and work-life balance, in publications ranging from ASTD/Performance In Practice to Customer Service Management. His book, “90 Days to a High-Performance Team”, published by McGraw Hill and often accompanied by in-person, facilitated instruction, has helped and continues to help thousands of executives, managers and team leaders improve performance.  


HR (General) recertification credit hours toward aPHR™, PHR®, PHRca®, SPHR®, GPHR®, PHRi™ and SPHRi™ recertification through HR Certification Institute® (HRCI®). Please make note of the activity ID number on your recertification application form. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit the HR Certification Institute website at www.hrci.org

ComplianceIQ is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CPSM or SHRM-SCPSM. This program is valid for [2] PDCs for the SHRM-CPSM or SHRM-SCPSM. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit www.shrmcertification.org.

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