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Validity : 10th Feb'25 to 20th Feb'25
As of August 1, 2023, the Form I-9 has been updated to include a remote verification option. This webinar will review the changes in detail and how the employer can deal with them. We also have additional options of going electronic with the Form I-9. This web ...
Avoided conversations or meetings because you didn't want to risk another conflict? Lost your patience or let others push your hot buttons and regretted it later? Wished you could be more assertive and maintain your composure when dealing with emotional custom ...
This dynamic program is designed to empower HR specialists to harness the full potential of ChatGPT, revolutionizing everyday HR tasks with precision and efficiency. Starting with a foundational understanding of ChatGPT, you'll learn the art and science of pr ...
Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) do not change often, but when they do, we need to understand how changes in GAAP effects borrowers’ and clients’ ability to repay. GAAP now requires that companies capitalize their leases, and that may worsen t ...
We all have to deal with difficult people in our lives. It could be a coworker or irate boss, a family member, or that grocery store clerk who just doesn’t seem to want to have a good day. In all cases, it can be frustrating to have to deal with them and even ...
This course is designed to teach learners how to use CHATGPT for Excel, a powerful tool that can help you automate tasks, analyze data, and create reports in Excel. Throughout the course, learners will explore the features and capabilities of CHATGPT for Excel ...
The objective of this workshop is to cover the What-if Analysis set of decision-making tools. It enables the user to investigate what is the impact of input changes on outputs. This allows the decision-maker to make wiser choices for an optimal outcome.
Coaching has grown to be highly popular. Many individuals, business owners, or organizations managers find themselves needing a helping hand or find themselves thrust in the role of offering advice to others. That is especially true of managers who, while cond ...
As managers or supervisors who are tasked with getting work done through others your communication style matters. The way to begin to communicate more effectively will depend greatly on your knowing more about your particular communication style, as well as ...
How much is unresolved conflict costing your organization? There are a variety of direct costs associated with poorly managed conflict, including, in the worst cases, the loss of your valued customers and your top talent. Another cost is the time spent by mana ...