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Validity : 02nd Jan'25 to 12th Jan'25
Over application or incorrect usage of lubricants can lead to unsanitary conditions or contamination. Often condensate plays a big part in refrigerated foods and mixed with the improper use of lubricants can spell potential problems in the environment.
Proper application for lubricant use, examples of both good and poor practices will be covered, as well as watch-outs for the industry, tracking recommendations, lubricant ratings, FDA approved applications, control programs and decision tree for Extraneous Material Control will be outlined.
Many best practices will be covered so the lubricant program can augment the verification requirement for the new Food Safety Plan (HARPC/HACCP) under FDA FSMA.
FDA at one time approved and updated a lubricant listing for the food industry. This is now the responsibility of manufactures to manage. The use of lubricants in foods has come under the scrutiny of late for over-application leading to concerns on human health and possible contamination in the manufacturing of foods. Potential migration of extraneous material in food products is a concern which needs to be managed properly as the use of lubricants is essential in many processes including the food industry.
Additionally, lubricants have been suspected to cause possible adverse health concerns so minimizing the impact of lubricant use is a prudent approach for application in foods where its’ release properties are vital in moulding operations and in some packaging uses.
Proper use of lubricants in a food environment and how to minimize contamination risk will be detailed for application in the food manufacturing environment. Safe handling, preventative controls and examples will be demonstrated in the session.
President, QAS, (Quality Assurance Strategies, LLC), is private consultant for the Food and Beverage Industry specializing in Global Food Safety and Quality with expertise in Regulatory Compliance, Prop 65, Crisis Management, Business Integration and Due Diligence M & A Compliance Risk Assessments.
Formerly, Vice President, Food Safety, Weston Foods (WF), a GWL Canadian company and North American leader in bakery products. Transformed organization toward World Class Excellence for Food Safety within four years by framing Food Safety Roadmap Strategy for fast-tracking compliance to FSMA (Food Safety Modernization Act), SFCA (Safe Foods for Canadian Act) and new NLEA (Nutrition Labelling Education Act) for US and Canada compliance.
Over 25+ years of food safety and quality experience, after holding successive senior positions with Colgate-Palmolive, Coca-Cola, Best foods NA, Unilever, YUM! Brands and Quiznos (Board). Prior to joining Weston Foods, held position of Quality Director with Mondelez International (formerly Kraft Foods) in Europe, (Zurich, Switzerland) and Cadbury as QA Chocolate Director (Quality, Environmental, and Health & Safety) for NA/Europe/Global. Education: MBA (Dual), International Business and Management; BS, in Business Administration Mgt., St. Peter’s University.