Implementing a Risk Management Program in a Financial Institution


90  Mins



Webinar ID


  • What can go wrong: examples
  • Beyond the Basel categories of risk
  • Some fundamental principles lost in history
  • Setting the tone at the top
  • Setting risk appetite
  • Getting all people onboard
  • Risks and opportunities
  • Human risk, a diffuse risk
  • Risk handling
  • Towards a complete risk management framework

Overview of the webinar

Once it has been taken on that risk management implies management, that a risk management programme includes a change of culture, and that a risk management programme is better launched when setting up the company, we can figure out that such critical aspect as strategic risk management can at best be re-patched as the company goes along. Which is, unfortunately, the fate of many a bank. Hence launching successive risk management projects without having set up the right enterprise-wide prerequisites is doomed to failure, often disguised as re-scoping.

In this webinar, we guard about the regulation-induced necessities to go on project after project for confirming what was known before, while unknown other risks can go wild because the enterprise-wide risk is ill-managed, human risks are just unknown, and some risks are left to specialists without a thorough view at the bank-wide operations. We then indicate what a full-blown risk management programme could entail in terms of investigations and reviews.

Finally, we tell about a few of the benefits that can be derived from such a program, including the possibility to profitably go for more risky activities, to better guard against tail risks and to get to a better understanding of a bank’s risk appetite.

Who should attend?

  • Risk Methodology
  • Credit risk
  • Market Risk Management and Analytics
  • Risk Internal Audit
  • Regulatory and Economic Capital
  • Basel III
  • Regulation & Compliance 
  • Operational Units Managers
  • Programme/Project Managers
  • Financial Institutions Advisory 
  • Bank Supervision and regulation

Why should you attend?

The number of reputable and seemingly well-managed banks having, in recent history, suddenly revealed large losses, out-of-control risks, management overlooking critical areas and other mishaps is quite rich, and probably underestimated. A bank-wide risk management programme can address these inconveniences before too late, provided no sacred cow is left untouched, no thought is spared about what could go wrong, and lessons from the past are not forgotten.

It is all too easy, when working in a highly structured environment such as a bank, to think that risks are known in some other department, that management would have taken care of all of it, and that hearing the music playing is more of a priority than looking for what can go wrong. 

Faculty - Mr.Fred Vacelet

Fred Vacelet is a Financial Risk Management Consultant with international expertise in Risk Management methodological frameworks. His experience spans some 20 years, advising banks, software houses and others on risk management. Fred holds various degrees, including from London Business School, with post-graduate studies at the Technische (then West)-Berlin and Keio (Japan) universities. A qualified Islamic Finance person (IFQ), he is a magazine author on risk management and Basel Accords, and a regular speaker at conferences.
The client list includes ABN Amro, Barclays, CDC Paris, Credit Suisse, DePfa, Deutsche Bank, a few City hedge funds, IBM Consulting (Banking and Finance), Sungard, Lloyds TSB, National Bank of Egypt, the UK Regulatory body (now PRA), Reuters, and numerous other institutions of various countries and sizes. Fred runs training courses and workshops with participants from various banks around the world.


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