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Validity : 03rd Feb'25 to 13th Feb'25
Your company likely is exporting technical data/technology and software more frequently and in more ways than ever before. The more you export, the more critical it is to make sure you have the accurate classification in the Commerce Control List (CCL). If you get the wrong Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) for the items you export, you could easily have hundreds of people in your organization unknowingly, and repeatedly, making illegal exports.
Export Control Reform (ECR) has dramatically shifted many items from the US Munitions List (USML) to the CCL and significantly changed the CCL in many ways. Finding the correct ECCN has never been easy, but ECR has made it more complicated than ever before. While classifying hardware and materials is difficult, classifying technical data/technology and software is often more difficult. Sometimes, the classification of your technical data and technology depends on the item to which it is related, and, unfortunately, sometimes, it does not. There are times when equipment is EAR99, and the technology for that equipment could require an export license for most countries.
The webinar, the expert, will use his experience and expertise to show you the critical elements of determining the proper ECCN. He will highlight key areas of the CCL and the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) that you may have never noticed, even though they may play a decisive role in determining the ECCN for your technical data/technology and software.
This study of the complex regulations that impact classifications will put you well on your path to being able to do a better job with your classifications. Knowing more about how to do classifications might not make your life easier, but it should make your exports more compliant.