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Validity : 15th Feb'25 to 25th Feb'25
The focus of this webinar is to help companies maximize their effectiveness in leading a remote and virtual workforce. These seven points will be covered:
As the world enters uncharted territory in navigating the coronavirus pandemic, the global workforce is setting up shop to work from home. With the new emphasis on telecommuting comes a new reality: Individuals and teams need a strategy for thinking differently, communicating digitally, and ensuring everyone feels included and connected.
Leading and working virtually does have its benefits and cost savings, but it also has its challenges. There are the people issues such as some workers participating more than others; difficulty in dealing with conflict; developing work routines, building, and maintaining trust. Then you add the technical frustrations such as connectivity glitches, security and firewall issues, and team members’ different expectations about comfort and use of technology.
To overcome these challenges, while taking advantage of the opportunities requires both flexibility and adaptability to strengthen remote collaboration, problem-solving and high performance.
This webinar will dive into this new mindset, skillset, and toolset needed for the project and team leaders as well as managers to navigate the new virtual landscape with greater effectiveness.
In dealing with this new reality, many leaders and managers recycle the same guidelines and best practices they use for their co-located teams and hope for the best. That just does not work. Virtual workgroups and face-to-face workgroups are the proverbial 'apples and oranges. Leaders, who recognize this fact, are the ones whose teams and workgroups succeed.
Virtual leadership regularly fall victim to three pitfalls:
Lack of clear goals, direction, or priorities – Because it is tougher to communicate with your remote employees, it is often difficult to keep everyone focused on the same goals over time.
Lack of clear roles– In working remotely, it is especially important for everyone to clearly understand their individual roles and how their work impacts others.
Lack of engagement – With working virtually, people can easily "check out" due to a lack of dynamic face-to-face interaction and there are more distractions.
Also, research has shown that the leadership style of the manager has greater effects on the productivity of remote workgroups as compared to that on the traditional collocated teams. Therefore, leaders must shift their attention towards utilizing new tools and techniques to manage the unique challenges posed by a virtual and remote workforce.
Marcia Zidle, the Smart Moves Coach, is a board-certified executive and career coach, business management consultant and keynote speaker, with over 25 years of management, business consulting and international experience in a variety of industries including health care, financial services, oil and gas, manufacturing, insurance, pharmaceuticals, hospitality, government and nonprofits.
She has expertise in strategy and alignment; executive and team leadership development; social and emotional intelligence; employee engagement and innovation; career and organization change management; employee relations and talent management.
Marcia has been selected one of LinkedIn Profinder’s top coaches for the past 7 years. Check out her 200 + LinkedIn articles she’s authored on Leadership, Management and Human Resources topics that have facilitated organizations to leverage their leadership and human capital assets generating greater effectiveness and profitability.
Marcia’s claim to fame is as a world traveler having a multi-cultural spirit and perspective. She has lived as an expatriate with her family in Scandinavia and Australia. In fact, one of her children is an "Aussie". She’s traveled to over 30 countries throughout Europe, Middle East, Far East, and the South Pacific.
ComplianceIQ is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CPSM or SHRM-SCPSM. This program is valid for [1] PDCs for the SHRM-CPSM or SHRM-SCPSM. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit www.shrmcertification.org.